Wednesday, July 21, 2004

The Cookery Gourmet Catering

Rey and I were in a wake for his uncle yesterday evening. The food was catered by The Cookery. They served penne pasta in tomato sauce, which was okay. The bread was a bit too tough and the pastry tasted different. Not bad, but different.

But the stars of their show were the tenderloin tips and the canonigo.

The tenderloin tips were easy to chew and the sauce was enough to prevent the meat from getting dry without being too drippy. The taste was a perfect blend of soy sauce, garlic and other spices. The taste of the garlic was subtle but strong enough to be felt. I was planning not to eat meat for a week or two but the dish was too tempting to resist.

The canonigo was the bigger star.  Like most canonigos, it melts the moment it touches your tongue (and immediately finds its way to your love handles). But unlike other canonigos, this one doesn't immediately melt in its entirety, it leaves a soft layer that's light but creamy. Since this layer melts more slowly than the rest of the canonigo, you get to enjoy the subtly sweet taste of this wonderfully sinful dessert for a little bit longer.

When they ran out of canonigo, they served an equally sinful-looking chocolate cake. Of course I wanted to taste it, but thought against it - after all, we were with Rey's relatives and I didn't want them to think that I was just there for the food. I really wasn't.



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