Thursday, September 23, 2004

manila polo club

had to sing the national anthem for the testimonial dinner of ibp makati for the new appointees to the court of appeals, regional trial court and other executive offices.

the testimonial was scheduled at 6 but the program started at 7. so we had a full hour to eat!

it was supposed to be cocktails but the food was really filling. they served tuna, salmon and crabstick sashimi, assorted sushi, angel hair pasta with mushroom sauce, banana wrapped in bacon, calamares, and assorted cakes and pastries.

their sushi and sashimi are good. the salmon looked fresh and the crab stick was perfectly firm. the angel hair pasta was okay but not spectacular but the banana wrapped in bacon was so delicious! at first i found the combination weird but once i popped one in my mouth, i realized that the combination was perfect.

i also loved the chocolate pudding - it was deliciously creamy and it wasn't too sweet.

the best thing of all - everything was free!


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